A man will die, but not his ideas.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Eclipse on Ubuntu
Still haven't fixed the
IT8212 IDE RAID controller's problem with Ubuntu on my machine until now. However, today I managed to install
Eclipse 3.1 on
Ubuntu Breezy Badger on a dual-booting machine I've set up at the college's lab. It took some time since I'm still novice with Linux and did not have any idea about its packages and the many administration utilities it has. But in the end, I did it. Thanks to the nice guide at
Ubuntu's wiki titled
EclipseIDE, "
How to install Eclipse in Ubuntu" by Ivar Abrahamsen, and the "
Java Development on Ubuntu" series of posts on
David Coldrick's Weblog.
Of course, I had to download all necessary files and packages on my home PC and then copy, install, and configure them on the lab's machine since there was no Internet connection over there. Thus, I did not use
apt-get in the installation process. The packages I needed were available at
packages site in the
utils section of the
stable distribution (
fakeroot 1.2.10), the
misc section in the
unstable distibution (
java-package 0.27) and the
utils section of the
unstable distribution (
fakeroot 1.5.8). Only downloaded the ".deb" files. One package upon which the
java-package depends was available with Ubuntu and did not need to download it, just used Synaptic.
Finally, you have configure Sun's JRE to be the default because somehow the GCJ runtime conflicts with it. This can be done by executing the following command which will ask you about the one you'd like to be the default:
sudo update-alternatives --config javaAlternatively, use Synaptic to remove the
java-gcj-compat package and everything should be OK.
Update:Discovered that all necessary packages could be obtained from
packages site. Duh!!!
Labels: Eclipse, Java, linux, ubuntu
Posted by A ::
9:37 PM ::

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