A man will die, but not his ideas.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
MDC 2007 Open for Registration

OK, it's official.
Microsoft Middle-East Developers Conference (MDC) 2007 is open for registration. It will, again, be held at the
Cairo International Conference Center from the
4th to the 7th of February. And just as I expected, the
attendance fee has been raised this year to
100 L.E. (i.e. double last year's fee). Well, at this rate, I might feel comfortable saying that this year might be the final year I attend this conference. That is, if I did manage to attend this year. And , as usual, it seems that Microsoft insists on making whatever they do incompatible with anything else not Microsoft. I'm not sure though, haven't tried Internet Explorer yet. But I have a feeling there something wrong when browsing the site using
FireFox. Anyhow, there's a separate site for registration and details this year. The real joke is, they copied and pasted the paragraph they had for last year's conference (even with the same dates). It can be found at:
http://www.mdc2007.com/. See you there...
Update: They eventually fixed it...
Labels: MDC, Microsoft
Posted by A ::
8:02 PM ::

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